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Sunday, February 23, 2025
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A black hole ‘waking up’ has been detected by astronomers at the European Space Observatory (ESO).

A supermassive black hole, which is around a million times larger than the sun, is thought to be responsible for the dramatic brightening that scientists saw in real time at the center of a galaxy.

This awakening process has never been observed before.

Black holes are dead stars that absorb everything in their path due to their immense gravity.

Black hole “waking up” discovered by scientists at the European Space Observatory (ESO)! Cosmic phenomena that are both immensely fascinating and perplexing are black holes.

Astronomers most likely refer to an increase in activity or energy release from the black hole when they speak of it “waking up.” Space’s black holes are places where gravity is so intense that nothing can escape from them, not even light. But when black holes begin to draw in material from their surroundings, they can become active and produce a great deal of radiation and energy.

This discovery may offer important new information on how black holes behave and the activities that surround them. Black holes are observed by astronomers using a variety of telescopes and equipment to examine their behaviour at various light wavelengths.

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