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Saturday, February 22, 2025
Editor's PickFeaturedHealth

how to keep cool during hot waves

  1. Remain Hydrated: To keep your body cool and hydrated during the day, drink a lot of water.
  2. Dress Lightly: To keep your body cool, choose loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing that is lightweight.
  3. Use Fans or Air Conditioning: To circulate air and reduce indoor temperature, use fans or air conditioning, if feasible.
  4. Remain Indoors: Attempt to avoid going outside during the warmest times of the day, which are typically the afternoons.
  5. Take chilly Showers: You can relieve the heat and lower your body temperature by taking chilly showers or baths.
  6. Eat Light: To help you stay cool, choose light, refreshing meals like salads and fruits.
  7. Use Cooling Products: To relieve heat, try utilizing gel packs, cooling towels, or sprays.
  8. Create Shade: To avoid direct sunlight, attempt to locate shade behind trees, canopies, or umbrellas when you’re outside.
  9. Make Use of Cooling Fans: To make a homemade air cooler that can assist in reducing the temperature in a room, set an ice dish in front of a fan.
  10. Eat Foods High in Water to Stay Hydrated: To stay hydrated and cool, munch on foods high in water content, such as oranges, cucumbers, and watermelon.
  11. Close Blinds and Curtains: To protect yourself from the sun’s heat, keep your blinds and curtains closed during the warmest hours of the day.
  12. Steer Clear of Strenuous Activities: To avoid overheating, steer clear of strenuous activities or exercise during the hottest times of the day.
  13. Stay in the Basement: If you have a basement, you should think about using it throughout the summer because it’s usually cooler there than on upper floors.

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