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Seventh legislator urges Biden to resign from office as Democrats debate his suitability

Seventh legislator

As concerns about US President Joe Biden’s physical and mental health continue to mount.
Democratic Party leaders have gathered in private to discuss the president’s troubled reelection campaign.

The behind-closed doors discussions on Tuesday brought to light the party’s continued disagreements about Biden’s .
electability in the wake of his appalling debate performance against Republican opponent Donald Trump last month.
Prominent Democrats such as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer spoke to reporters prior to and following. The meeting and reaffirmed their support for Biden.

Schumer frequently responded to inquiries concerning Biden’s suitability for office by saying, “I’m with Joe.”Jim Clyburn of South Carolina provided information to reporters. Biden is riding alongside us.

Although the discussions seemed to preclude the prospect of a widespread uprising against Biden’s candidacy. At least for the time being, they were unable to offer a cohesive front.
Illinois Representative Dick Durbin said that it is still unclear whether Biden will remain on the ticket.

  • Steve Cohen of Tennessee said, “We’re not even in the same book,” when someone asked if Democrats all agreed.

Shortly after the discussions, New Jersey Representative Mikie Sherrill. A Democrat, became the eighth elected Democrat to publicly urge Biden to withdraw from the contest.

Sherrill stated in a statement .

    • I firmly believe that President Biden and his team have served as genuine public servants.

Putting the welfare of the nation and democracy above all else.
“I am requesting that President Biden declare that he will not seek reelection . And that he will assist in guiding us through the selection process for a new nominee. As I am aware that he cares greatly about our nation’s future.”

Representative representing Massachusetts in the House Lori Trahan stated that. “nothing that has happened over the past 12 days suggests”. That voters believe Biden is the best candidate to defeat Trump. But she refrained from asking Biden to resign.

Trahan stated in a statement that President Biden needs to move quickly to gain back the trust of the American people in order for us to win in November. Women and our nation will suffer irreversible harm from a second Trump presidency.
The 81-year-old Biden has been working hard to win back support within his party ever since his shaky debate performance on January 27 sparked a renewed controversy about his age and health.

In a Monday letter to Congressional Democrats, Biden reaffirmed his unwavering commitment to continuing in this race, seeing it through to the finish, and defeating Donald Trump.

“I understand people’s worries and anxieties about the issues this election raises, and I have heard them,” Biden remarked.
I can respond to all of this by saying firmly and plainly that I would not be running again if I did not believe that I was the most qualified candidate to defeat Donald Trump in 2024.

It will be difficult for Biden to win reelection since, according to recent surveys, Trump is leading both nationally and in the key battleground states.
Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada are now classified as leaning Republican instead of being a toss-up by the nonpartisan Cook Political Report on Tuesday.

In a recent Reuters/Ipsos survey, 59% of registered Democratic voters said that Biden is too elderly to hold public office, and 31% stated he should withdraw from the race.

Should Biden withdraw, the race would enter unknown terrain.

Party members typically vote for their favorite candidate during the US presidential primary season, which has concluded, but the party won’t announce its nominee until the Democratic National Convention the following month.
Biden is unlikely to face pressure to resign involuntarily because he has secured nearly all of the party’s delegates.
Even though she has not shown significantly better performance against Trump in the polls, many experts widely predict Vice President Kamala Harris as the most likely replacement for Biden if he withdraws.

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