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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Police examining ‘assault’ of Australian lady in Paris


French police are looking at after an Australian woman. She said five men attacked her in central Paris.
The 25-year-elderly person took shelter in a kebab shop in the Pigalle region on Saturday morning. With her dress to some extent detached, neighborhood media detailed.

No captures have yet been made except for examiners affirmed officials are regarding the examination as “assault”.
The episode happened only days before the kickoff of the 2024 Olympics in the French capital.

According to French paper Le Parisien, diner owners called for help when they saw the woman’s state. Firemen cared for her after the supposed attack. Then they took her to Bichat clinic for analysis by clinical experts.
The Paris Investigator’s Office stated that police are investigating the allegations and are examining the CCTV footage.

They stated that the investigation into the alleged assault
Someone transferred the event that might have occurred on the evening of July 19 to 20 to the second legal police region.
There is by and by an enormous police presence on the ground in Paris to stay aware of the prosperity of those in the city during the Olympics, what start on Friday. Breaking todays

Officials have been watching in huge numbers since last week in Paris, with equipped gatekeepers around the Waterway Seine.

Security zones have also been set up around the city, dividing Paris into different zones. Anybody wishing to enter specific zones including the Eiffel Pinnacle, should apply for an extraordinary games pass on a stage run by police.

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