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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Apple Vision Pro

Although micro-OLED technology has been developed for over ten years, the Vision Pro will be the most well-known example of its capabilities to date.

Doomed face computers are scattered across history. Microsoft HoloLens, Google Glass, and even Meta’s Quest line were all unable to gain traction. It’s Apple’s chance to attempt now. Apple intends to begin distributing the company’s first mixed-reality headset, the Vision Pro, later this year. Though its ability to make a profit remains uncertain, the Vision Pro is unquestionably a ground-breaking gadget with a display that is far superior than any previous model. At its yearly developers’ conference in June, Apple unveiled the headset, dubbed a “spatial computer,” promoting it as a better way to view movies, interact with images, read, and even create. Mixed reality, in contrast to virtual reality, superimposes digital content on your actual environment. The headset’s cameras and sensors record what happens in the room and project it onto two screens, one for each eye. The chosen digital content is then added by the headset; an example would be a surfing video that is digitally projected in front of your couch. In addition to delivering mixed reality, the Vision Pro’s twin micro-OLED screens offer greater contrast and considerably higher resolution than the liquid crystal displays seen in most VR headsets. This means that the headset can also deliver the most truly immersive experience we’ve yet seen. Though developers can make their own apps, Apple already has a suite of apps available. Will it mostly be a fancy video viewer? Another: Is it something that people will wear? At the June event, Apple only revealed videos of people using the headsets; however, it added simulated eyeballs to the front to show where the wearer is looking. The Vision Pro will also set you back thousands of dollars more than competing headsets at $3,499 in price.

That said, no other company has been as successful at developing and marketing consumer technology over the years. Apple’s investment may give mixed reality its best chance yet to catch on. 


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